An Alien Berserker for Christmas (Warriors of the Lathar Book 17) by Mina Carter

An Alien Berserker for Christmas (Warriors of the Lathar Book 17) by Mina Carter

Author:Mina Carter [Carter, Mina]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Mina Carter
Published: 2022-12-18T18:30:00+00:00


“This hill is a bloody killer. Isn’t it?” Holly asked the reindeer plodding along next to her as the crisp snow crunched underfoot.

Snowy didn’t reply, looking at her pocket with a hopeful eye. She chuckled and rubbed the fur behind his ear before palming another bit of carrot.

She and half the herd—Snowy, Candy, Ivy, and Ginger—were out in the enclosure at the back of the stables. She’d wanted to check that all the fences were sound even though they were in a bio-dome. Several notes in Alison’s records had indicated the possibility that a large predator, maybe a wolf, had infiltrated the dome. So Holly made sure to keep a careful eye out and warned Gary to make sure the stables were secure as well as she headed out to check the fencing.

They were adaptive electric fences, meaning that nothing should be able to get through to her deer, but she carried a rifle slung over her shoulder, just in case. It had enough stopping power to put down a charging rhino, not that there were any outside a zoo these days. She’d learned her lesson after Attila, and no mere wolf was going to get the drop on her.

So far, though, so good. The fence was up and running, with no breaks, and every weak point she’d identified was holding well.

She paused for a moment and turned. Up this high, the stables were below her and the snowy slopes swept all the way down to the bottom of the valley where the town lay like a twinkling jewel in the middle of the pale perfection.

She blew out a breath, her bangs lifting away from her face. It was actually really pretty up here. All the Christmas crap aside, it was nice to be back out in nature again, even the cultivated nature of a managed bio-dome. She’d missed this, though. Actually dealing with animals in a natural environment rather than in the zoos she was used to, cooped up in a lab looking at viable samples or, even worse, the endless meetings her position as lead scientist seemed to require.

She rested her hand on Snowy’s back, feeding him slices of carrot with the other.

“How’s it gotten to this, eh boy?” she mused, stroking the soft fur of his ears. She much preferred it here, with just the animals and no reports to be done or KPIs to worry about. “I bet all you have to worry about is where your next carrot is coming from or whether you have soft straw to sleep in. How about you take over as lead scientist and I’ll stay here, huh?”

Here. With the very sexy handyman/driver—one she was trying very hard not to think about after that incident by the Christmas tree. All she’d been able to think about all night was being held in his arms, against that solid, broad chest and the way his lips had almost brushed hers…

Snowy wuffled and nosed her pockets again for more treats. She couldn’t help but laugh.


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